Ontario imported $21 billion worth of oil in 2008 and burnt 75% of it, or $16 billion for transportation fuels. This is a huge amount of money leaving Ontario’s economy year after year.
Imagine the economic benefit to Ontario if we could cut our oil imports in half by the adoption of electric vehicles! There’s a lot of money being burnt that could otherwise stay within the economy of hardworking Ontarians!
The resulting reduced demand for oil created by the adoption of EV’s would also serve to bring down the cost of remaining oil imports for applications that still demand the benefits of fossil fuel energy, applications not easily displaced by battery electric systems.
Read below for an eye opening report dated January 2009 from forestethics.org, a combined Canada-US organization.
Freedom from Dirty Oil: Ontario’s Tar Sands Decision by Matt Price, Environmental Defence and Gillian McEachern, Forest Ethics